🆕 Never Post! The Day The Vibes Died
Georgia talks with Matt Pearce about the info environment on Tiktok around its 12 hour ban in the US. The team asks WHAT IS GOING ON HERE. Also: Computer Whiz!
Everyone! A New Never Post is here!
Georgia talks with Matt Pearce – journalist, former president of Media Guild of the West, and senior policy advisor for Rebuild Local News – about the info environment on Tiktok around its 12 hour ban in the US. The team asks WHAT IS GOING ON HERE. Also: Computer Whiz!
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Intro Links
- William McFarland Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court To Defrauding Investors And A Ticket Vendor Of Over $26 Million, justice.gov
- EXCLUSIVE: Fyre Festival 2: Dates, location and how to get tickets, Today
- Microsoft CEO Admits That AI Is Generating Basically No Value, Futurism
- Microsoft Dropped Some AI Data Center Leases, TD Cowen Says, Bloomberg
- How Temu’s supply chain is changing, RetailBrew
- Temu Overhauls Supply Chain on Tariffs, Risking Price Hikes, Bloomberg
- UK users are losing a key Apple security feature, raising questions about the future of privacy, CNN
Tiktok’s Leftovers Hours
- Matt Pearce’s substack
- On Bullshit - Harry G. Frankfurt
What Is Going On Here
- Mike: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DCNP0atyy0J/
- Georgia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnBLd93cydQ, https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP8YqRuDF/
- Hans: https://www.reddit.com/r/Pomes/hot/
- Jason: https://www.tiktok.com/@aerosangels7?_t=ZT-8uF8Ot7ziWJ&_r=1
- Stevie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tf8vqQFeH_k
Never Post’s producers are Audrey Evans, Georgia Hampton and The Mysterious Dr. Firstname Lastname. Our senior producer is Hans Buetow. Our executive producer is Jason Oberholtzer. The show’s host is Mike Rugnetta.
The truth is, I’ve never cared for the NationalAnthem. If you think about it, it’s not a goodsong. Too high for most of us with “the rocketsred glare” and then there are the bombs.(Always, always, there is war and bombs.)Once, I sang it at homecoming and threweven the tenacious high school band off key.But the song didn’t mean anything, just a callto the field, something to get through beforethe pummeling of youth. And what of the stanzaswe never sing, the third that mentions “no refugecould save the hireling and the slave”? Perhaps,the truth is, every song of this countryhas an unsung third stanza, something brutalsnaking underneath us as we blindly singthe high notes with a beer sloshing in the standshoping our team wins.
Excerpt of A New National Anthem by Ada LimĂłnNever
Post is a production of Charts & Leisure